Monday, March 23, 2009

Writing again...

It is strange how this fascination with writing returns just as strong regardless the time I have been away. Here it has been almost two years. A time filled with good things, pregnancy, parenting, and many other great and important events. Yet, now that I have figuratively picked up the pen again and continued the stories that I have laid aside, the passion that has always been blossoms once again without restraint. As before, I dream of stories, plots, characters, and how to capture them with words. And, also, I find that a fire in my very being drives me onward despite the fear that my work will not be worthy. Still I must try. Even though these books will most likely never be read by masses of people, I am compelled from the depths of my being to put word to paper. All I can say is "to God be the glory" and give my very best.

- Rachel Rossano

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