Friday, December 10, 2010

I want to writing, but I have no time...

I remember this struggle from right after Jonathan was born. It has taken longer to get to this point, but it is basically the same.

I want to write! My mind is plotting as I diaper baby butts, I am dreaming up back stories as I shovel pureed sweet potatoes and oatmeal into two gaping mouths, and my faithful readers are beginning to nag me about getting back to the keyboard.

I have ideas for Wren Romany that I can't wait to try out. She hasn't had much of a personal challenge, unless you consider Tourth a personal challenge. He has been more of a project up to this point. I think it is about time for her past to come and threaten her new plans of peace and resolution. I just have to work out the details, which I am plotting between loads of laundry. I am trying to read through the written chapters and get back into the story because she is my first priority once I have the time and means to write again.

Zez is bugging me. She keeps popping up in my head and demanding that I start plotting her second book. Her unresolved romance with Hadrian is a large sore spot that she won't let me leave alone. I have to admit I am almost afraid to tackle that project. I want to do their story justice in making the second book as great as the first, but I fear I will sell her short. So, once I finish Wren, I shall be getting to Zez...or Ethan and Mariah.

I cannot forget Ethan and Mariah. My first attempt at a mystery, I need to get back into that one too. Oh! So little time and so many good stories. While I wait I shall plot and plan...and read. I must keep reading. :)

- Rachel

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